Poachers rocks for Mens Shed
15 February 2012

Around sixty gathered at Poachers Pantry on Saturday night (February 11th) to enjoy a fine three course meal and throb to the spunky sound of 'West Texas Crude'.
This was the inaugural Poachers Pantry 'Summer Ball', organised as part of the first 'Summerside Festival' during the month of February. The event was a fund-raiser for the fast-growing Hall Mens Shed.
Mike Fitzpatrick, Foreman, thanked Poacher's Pantry for selecting the Shed as the benefiting community organisation for their Summer Ball. Mike said " Full credit must go to Poacher's Pantry for holding these types of functions whereby a Hall community group gains a big boost to their funds. And they don't just provide the opportunity for groups to benefit either; the crew at PP really know how to throw a party. The organisation from planning to promotion to delivery was excellent. I am sure everyone there had a beaut time. Thanks Poacher's Pantry."
Mike also thanked the Hall community for supporting this event. He said that he was amazed at the generous way the people attended the event and then contributed further via the auction. He commented that there seemed to be a great community spirit in Hall as they got behind their local organisations.
A total of $4,000 was raised for the Shed. Mike said "This could not have come at a better time. The Shed is going from strength to strength and we are starting to experience real growing pains. Our facilities are at a stretch and we are presently trying to decide our priorities with regards to expansion. This money will be a huge help in delivering new opportunities for members of the shed".
Our photo, courtesy of Bob Richardson, shows some wound-up rockers letting it all hang out later in the evening........