Village farewell tribute
22 November 2012

After twenty-five years in our village Greg and Julie Welsh are following their lifetime plans and dreams and moving to Tura Beach.
On Saturday 17 November about fifty Hall residents and friends gathered at the community Cottage for an afternoon tea celebration to wish Greg and Julie every success as they leave the village to start a new life at the coast. It was a time for reminiscing, happiness and a little sadness as they move away from friends and the familiar 'Avoca Cottage'.
When first arriving in the village Julie quipped that perhaps Hall was not ready for her daughter. However acceptance prevailed when Belinda later married Craig, the boy next door, a fairytale romance. Guests at the afternoon tea presented the couple with a Visitor's Book for their coastal home with the hinted proviso that all present expected to be able to sign the book as guests in the future.
Over the past twenty five years Greg, Julie and their children, Belinda and Mark, have been constant and keen contributors to village activities and affairs. Greg has particularly enjoyed being a member of the Hall Men's Shed since its inception.
Everyone at the function wished the couple a healthy, happy future and a fond farewell.
As a farewell gift to the Village, Greg and Julie presented a painting by Isla Patterson to the Hall School Museum of Jim Rochford's old house in Loftus Street .
Best wishes from the village, Greg and Julie.