Scoreboard proposal - have your say
23 November 2012

The Hall Bushrangers Rugby Union Club are seeking the approval of the Hall Community to install a secure electronic score board with the following dimensions - 3100mm long x 1500mm high x 110mm deep. The scoreboard would be located on the northern end of the rugby field to the right of the posts, over the dead ball line (see the blue oval shape on the photo).
The score board will be mounted on an aluminium stand built by Hall Metal Fabrications with a lockable cover approximate total height 2700mm. The stand will then be covered with Timber Cladding (colour yet to be decided upon) to give the whole structure a heritage look. The Hall Hornets Rugby league and any other sporting associations would also be able to use this scoreboard.
The score board was the product of a successful grant from the ACT Health department promotion health grant. Our successful tender promotion was that of 'No Smoking'; this signage would also be displayed on the score board.
Any comments, objections or questions can be directed to Nigel Page – President of the Hall Rugby Club.
the closing date for comments/feedback is the 7th of January 2013, after which the results will be posted on this web site on the 14th of January 2013.
Nigel Page
President Hall Rugby Club
email :
mobile : 0414 712 980