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'Unmade Edges - Distinctive Places' Arts Project Launch

19 November 2013

The Gold Greek Function Centre was the venue for the launch of the Hall Village's part of the 'Unmade Edges - Distinctive Places' arts project, a Canberra Centenary event. The building was perfect to display the types of works created by the artists.

Robyn Archer was to have launched the event in person, unfortunately due to illness she was not able to attend, but her opening address was read out to the audience.

Six artists produced a variety of works ranging from performance art, photographic displays to a sculpture featuring mongrel dogs. The artists were: John Reid, Carolyn Young, Heike Qualitz, Marzena Wasikowska, Kevin Miller and Amanda Stuart.

The launch involved presentation of all the works together with storytelling from the artists and comments by 'key informants' who were engaged by the artists to provide background information to assist with the creation of the works. There was also opportunity for the audience to comment.

The works exemplified the character, community spirit, rural versus urban life in Canberra and heritage of the village.

The 'Friends of Hall School Museum' were on hand to assist with the morning tea and provide a sausage sizzle for lunch.

Many thanks to Craig, John and Beverly Starr for hosting a great event.

[Our photo shows Carolyn Young in front of her work 'A Shared History of Hall: Nature, Farming, Family 2013'

Unmade Edges - Distinctive Places

Restoration Project at 'Allwood' »

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