Say adieu to Canberra Brass!
11 February 2014

Canberra Brass are off to France. Before they leave you can enjoy some of the repertoire that will go with them at their 6th Annual Hall Twilight Concert at. Titled 'Roses of Picardy' this popular outdoor concert will feature soloist mezzo soprano Diana Tulip singing the title song. Roses of Picardy was one the most popular songs of World War 1, with lyrics by Frederick Weatherly, who also gave us 'Danny Boy'.
Canberra Brass members will be funding their own travel to France when they jet off after Easter, and performing fourteen times in less than three weeks. According to Musical Director, Viv Martin, performances will include a number of World War 1 Centenary commemorations, where they will be playing for our own 'Roses of Picardy' – those lost in the war.
Hall's Twilight Concert on 23 March at 4.30 pm will feature other solos by Diane Tulip - Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal (Roger Quilter) and Fly me to the moon - made famous by Frank Sinatra – and the usual mix of great brass band tunes. Before heading for Paris, the Band is off to Brisbane to join 75 other bands competing in the National Band Championships.
To be held at Hall School grounds, the Twilight concert will raise funds for the Hall School Museum, which will be open from 3.00 pm. Come and wish them good luck, adieu and bon voyage!
[NOTE: In the quadrangle if the ground is wet. Cancelled only if it is raining at 4.30pm]