On our Selections - new Exhibition
24 March 2014

Yet another quality Exhibition coming up soon at the Hall School Museum. 'On our selections' will paint a picture of life in the district in the second half of the nineteenth century. The subject of this exhibition reflects in part the Museum's growing contacts with descendants of pioneer families of the Hall-Ginninderra district, and a steadily growing collection of heritage artefacts.
The Exhibition will be launched by Minister Simon Corbell at 10.00 am on Saturday 12th April, and be open over that weekend. It will then be open, like the rest of the Museum, every Thursday morning, on Hall Market Days, and by appointment.
The exhibition has a strong emphasis on every day family life in the half centre before Federation - farming, food, clothing and footwear, transport, health and medicine, accidents and natural disasters. It will also show how district settlers became villagers - and the backbone of Hall.
As with the rest of the Museum, the exhibition will be FREE, but gold coin donations will assist the work of the 'Friends of the Hall School Museum'.