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Young tree planters green Hall

27 April 2008

A couple of dozen or so villagers joined in the community tree planting this morning. Some two hundred trees were planted in a couple of hours or so along the north side of the creek, from the bridge towards the 'centenary well'. Several family groups joined in, meaning that quite lot of youngsters were there helping with the digging, planting, and staking.

These plantings of eucalyptus trees continue and augment an earlier 'creek rehabilitation' project which focussed on the removal of 'woody weeds' and other exotics along the creek - particularly a large number of willow trees. The creek line is of course a natural corridor for wildlife, and adding more gum trees will help this.

Many thanks to the Bootstrap Brigade convenors, Bob Richardson and and Helen White, and to Mervyn Rose and family. John Starr made the planting possible by carrying out some tractor powered 'ripping' a couple of days ago. Andy Fulton helped make sure the young gums got a good start in life by bringing down a Hall Brigade tanker to do some watering in.

Special thanks to all those who turned up with spades and picks! Many of us enjoyed a cuppa afterwards in the pavilion - and started laying plans for the next community tree planting in the spring. Details will be given well ahead of time on this website. If you have suggestions about where planting is needed - let us know!

Hall Community Tree Planting

Thank you Jan »

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