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Victoria Square - update

24 April 2008

ACT Planning and Land Authority advises that they continue to monitor the reconstruction of Victoria Square closely, and that work is continuing to return the development to plans 'as approved'. The Progress Association has a copy of these. Residents will have noticed a distinct lack of activity over the past six weeks or so, and may be wondering what is going on.

We are advised that the single storey commercial building to the left of the entrance driveway has now been issued with a certificate of occupancy, and is able to be let, but not yet sold. This part of the overall development was never in any significant breach of approved plans.

We are advised that further work is scheduled with the aim of completing the commercial (downstairs) elements of the three Units between the driveway and Territory Energy, so that these too can be let. The upstair residential components are apparently to be completed later on.

As residents are aware, work has begun to reduce the ridge levels of the three town houses at the rear of the development. Similar work will be done later, presumably, on the two remaining town houses.

There is a prospect therefore of four or five new businesses operating at Victoria Square within the foreseeable future (?!).

By contrast, the redevelopment of the doctor's surgery on the opposite side of Victoria Street is proceeding in an exemplary fashion, and after conceding a six year start to Victoria Square is likely to be finished ahead of it!!

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