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Hall creatures great and small – the Jan Spate quilt

5 May 2008

A highlight of the 'Jan Spate Appreciation' gathering in the Pavilion on Sunday 4th May was the presentation to Jan of a quilt by the four Hall and district women who have been making it over the past few months.

Yvonne Williams coordinated the process, Nancy Tingey put a photo of Jan and her ute onto material for inclusion in the centrepiece, Cora O'Donnell and Nanette Howard worked with Yvonne in making the quilt. The result is a very special gift, embroidered with over a hundred names of 'Friends of Jan', and a collection of animals.

Quilt making for gifts or special occasions such as this is a fine tradition, which the 'Jan Spate Quilt' now becomes part of. Nancy Tingey wrote a story and supplied an illustration of 'Bessie Bardwell's quilt', for example, in a special Heritage Week issue of the 'Village Voice' (predecessor to the Rural Fringe) in 1982. It was made by Mrs Ellis Smith (nee Southwel) and her five daughters – Rebecca Jane, Lavinia Mary, Beatrice Louisa, Elvina Clare and Eunice Alma Victoria. It was made in around 1900.

By tradition, information about the quilt is put on the back, and it is given a name. The provisional name for the one presented last night is the 'Jan Spate Quilt – Hall creatures great and small'. It is a 'Signature Quilt', and carries the names of some 160 families and individuals who identify themselves as 'Friends of Jan'.

As well as the photo with this story, three of the animals from the quilt are featured in our rotating banner photos.

The Jan Spate Quilt - Hall creatures great and small

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