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New Editor for Rural Fringe - and thanks Rhian!

20 May 2008

Allyson Wedrat from the Wood Duck Inn has offered to take on the job of Editor of the Rural Fringe. We are very grateful to Allyson, and ask community members who receive and enjoy the Fringe to support Allyson and this valuable community newsletter.

Meanwhile sincere thanks are due to out-going Editor Rhian Williams, who has done a fantastic job since taking over from long-serving predecessor Andrew Purdam in 2005. Together with Gail Condy, Rhian has expanded the range of contributors, and regularly carried meaty and absorbing items about local people, landscapes,and events. Rhian has generously been assisting Allyson in the Editorial transition process.

The 'Fringe' is a break-even venture, funded by advertisements taken by Hall and district businesses. The Association will continue to work closely with businesses to make sure they get value for money, and that the Rural Fringe continues to thrive.

As most residents are now aware, the community website is now also disseminating Hall and district news. We plan to carefully manage the Fringe and the website so that they support one another. Jo Hall from the Association will act as our liaison person for the Rural Fringe.

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