Mary Porter launches community website
11 June 2008

Mary Porter AM, MLA for Ginninderra, launched the Hall and district community website – - at a gathering in the Gumnut Coffee Shop last night
The website is an initiative of the Village of Hall and District Progress Association, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Hall. The Association was founded in 1903, and is the oldest surviving community association in the ACT.
Progress Association President Alastair Crombie says: "In many ways communities were better connected in the horse and buggy days. People had more time to talk, shared interests, and a common fate in the face of weather, fires and wool prices. We hope the website will help people connect – with each other, with what is going on, with local business ventures, and with our heritage".
"Previous generations used the Progress Association to get a school, to have Hall connected to power, water and sewerage; in that fine tradition we are now claiming a place for Hall on the world wide web and connecting to the 'information superhighway' "
Mary Porter MLA, a former President of Volunteering Australia and lifelong community worker and volunteer herself, congratulated the Association and the Rotary Club of Hall on their partnership in creating the community website.
Speaking at the launch Mary said "Hall is a thriving community with a great spirit and this website is just another initiative which will serve to keep their community connected.
"We are all so 'time poor' these days and the Hall and district community website is a really creative way of helping people keep in touch with what is going on in their local community," Mary commented.
The Rotary Club of Hall is another fine example of the village punching above its weight, the flourishing EPIC Farmers Market being one of their initiatives. The Club generously funded the initial development costs of the website, and Club member Bill Pearson has actively assisted with site development.
Club President Rob Durie said today that the Club's support of the website followed its tradition of the last two decades in developing the infrastructure of the Hall district. "The Club expects that this site will be valuable both to visitors and to residents of the Hall district and will foster social bonding and economic development in the district," Rob added.
Hall becomes the first community in the ACT to successfully apply for a 'Community Geographic Domain Name'. Hall now joins a growing list of communities around Australia operating a community service website with the approval and support of the .au Community Domains Pty Ltd.
Leonie Parkinson, General Manager of .au Community Domains comments:
We are very excited that the ACT has its first Community Geographic Domain Name website up and running at The Hall community website is an excellent example of what a local community can develop when everyone works together for a common goal. It is a credit to the Village of Hall and District Progress Association Inc. to be the trail blazers in this world first initiative in the ACT."
Event: Launch of Hall and district community website
Date & time: Tuesday 10th June at 7.15 pm
Location: Gumnut Coffee Shop, Hall Village Court, Victoria Street, HALL
Village of Hall and District Progress Association
(02) 6230 2977
(02) 6205 0100
, General Manager, .au Community Domains Pty Ltd
(03) 9863 8577
The Rotary Club of Hall
, Club Service Director
0408 632 275
Hall community website Launch
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