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Catchment Group seeks our interest

15 June 2008

Julie Palmer is the new Landcare Coordinator with the Ginninderra Catchment Group. Hall lies within the Ginninderra catchment, Hall Creek / Gooromon Ponds being tributaries of Ginninderra Creek.

Ginninderra Catchment Group is very keen to become involved with residents and land managers, young and old, of Hall and district, on some fun activities to raise awareness of the natural environment around us, the need to protect it and to improve the health of our catchment.

One such activity they have in mind is conducting a few walks around properties in the Hall district with a grassland expert from Friends of Grasslands, to assist in the identification of  the more common native plants and grasses that grow in the area, and also the weeds; how to tell the difference and how to manage them.

Julie would like to hear from interested land owners and community members who may either like to host an informal walk and identification of the main species on their own properties, or who may just be interested in attending such an event. There would be no cost to conduct a walk on your property.

The Catchment Group would also like to hear from any other members of the community who may have  ideas for projects to improve the landscape in their area or if there is a need for more information on certain topics in their community.

You are encouraged to respond to Julie at:

Ginninderra Catchment Group Office: 02 6278 3309

or email:

Candidates line up for Ginninderra »

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