Progress Association Questions to Yerrabi MLAs and the ACT Greens
3 October 2020

In July 2020, the Village of Hall and District Press Association asked each MLA in the ACT electorate of Yerrabi, and the leader of the ACT Greens, a number of questions with respect to the priority concerns of Hall village. Responses from the ACT Greens, ACT Labor and ACT Liberals can be seen at
The Progress Association asked each to confirm their commitment to protect the buffer zone and design qualities that make Hall such a distinctive and highly valued setting in the ACT and ensure that the distinct rural and indigenous heritage of Hall is taken into consideration when the ACT government authorities are assessing or planning developments in and affecting Hall village.
Each was also asked to confirm their commitment to ensure that the Village of Hall and District Progress Association is informed of and consulted on all proposals and plans for improvements, maintenance or other activities in Hall village by the ACT government and its agencies.
Each was also asked if they will commit to:
• Full implementation of the Adventure Trail and Natural Play Space Gladstone Street Hall Design (TCCS November 2019), Bush Tucker Garden and installation of "all abilities" playground equipment;
• Ongoing security of tenure of the former Hall School site and the Hall Pavilion by the Progress Association;
• Ensuring timely approval and implementation of bush fire hazard reduction and fuel management measures in areas bordering Hall village as requested by the Hall Rural Fire Brigade;
• Assessment, design and completion of appropriate works on storm water infrastructure, particularly in the laneways, of Hall village;
• Developing in consultation with the Progress Association appropriate measures to ensure pedestrian, cyclist and motor vehicle safety including remediation of pedestrian paving, lighting, vehicle speed control and parking in Victoria Street, safety of the school bus interchange, and sealing of the Centenary Trail cycle path from Gladstone Street to the Barton Highway.