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Concerns Over Victoria Street Safety

7 October 2020

In September 2020, the Village of Hall and District Progress Association wrote to Chris Steel, ACT Minister for Transport Canberra and City Services, after a number of Hall village residents raised concern over vehicles speeding on the 50 kph & 40 kph sections of Victoria Street in Hall, including in the area of the school bus interchange.

The Progress Association requested appropriate technical assessment by the relevant staff from TCCS to determine the optimal solution to address this serious safety issue.

On 6 October 2020, Jim Corrigan, Deputy Director-General TCCS, replied to the Progress Association and advised that TCCS undertook traffic surveys along Victoria Street in 2019.

In the 50 km/h Speed Zone between Hoskins Street and Gladstone Street, the surveys revealed that on weekdays this section carries around 800 vehicles per day travelling at an average speed of 41.3 km/h. Compared to a weekend, this section carries around 830 vehicles per day at an average speed of 40.9 km/h.

In the 60km/h Speed Zone between Barton Highway (North) and Hoskins Street, the survey revealed that on a weekday this section carries around 340 vehicles per day travelling at an average speed around the Posted Speed Limit of 60km/h. This is similar on a weekend.

Mr Corrigan advised that the above results indicate that this street is performing as expected, and that TCCS has no immediate plans to implement additional traffic calming measures on this street however, will continue to monitor the traffic movement along this street.

The full text of the response from Mr Corrigan is at

Those concerned about continued safety of Victoria St should request compliance action by the ACT government by contacting Access Canberra.

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