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Candidates line up for Ginninderra

19 June 2008

To date fourteen candidates have nominated as candidates for the electorate of Ginninderra in the October ACT Legislative Assembly election. It is likely that there will be more. There are five seats in the electorate of Ginninderra, with three currently held by Labor (Wayne Berry, Jon Stanhope and Mary Porter) and two by the LIberals (Bill Stefaniak and Vicki Dunne)

The Greens sole candidate is Meredith Hunter, who is currently Director of the ACT Youth Coalition.

The Community Alliance Party has announced that its candidates will be Jane Tullis and Mike Crowther. Jane has been very active in Save our Schools, and school closures is also a big concern for Mike.

Jane and Mike are visiting Hall on Saturday 28th June and will be hoping to meet residents outside the shop from 10.00 am.

The Canberra Liberals have two sitting members for Ginninderra who are standing again, Bill Stefaniak and Vicki Dunne, and have also nominated Jacqui Myers, Andrea Tokaji, and Matthew Watts.

Canberra LIberals have already visited Hall a few weeks back, to consult with community members about re-opening of the school.

The Labor Party also has two sitting members who are candidates in October - Chief Minister Jon Stanhope and Mary Porter. Wayne Berry is retiring at this election. Their other candidates are Chris Bourke, Adina Cirson, Dave Peebles and Paschal Leahy.

We plan to use the website to bring information about candidates and their policies to members of our community, as a community service.

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