Two Accidents on Barton Highway/ Gladstone St/ Wallaroo Rd Intersection within One Week
12 July 2022

In six days between 6 and 12 July, there have been two motor vehicle accidents at the Barton Highway/ Gladstone Street/ Wallaroo Road Intersection.
Over the last eight months, the Hall Progress Association has been asking the ACT government to reduce the speed limit on the Barton Highway between the NSW border and Clarrie Hermes/ Kuringa Drive intersection due to serious safety concerns expressed by Wallaroo and Hall residents.
Although the ACT government response to date has been disappointing, advising that they do not consider the current speed limit a safety risk, the Progress Association has sought assistance from the Federal Members for Eden-Monaro and Fenner and the NRMA to address the concerns.
People travelling from Hall and Wallaroo are encouraged not to try and cross from Gladstone St to Wallaroo Rd but to travel north on Victoria St and turn left onto the Barton Hwy then right onto Wallaroo Rd. Similarly, people travelling from wallaroo to Hall are encouraged to turn left onto the Barton Hwy and then turn right onto Victoria St. Those travelling north towards Murrumbateman from Hall are encouraged to enter the Baton Hwy from the northern end of Victoria St. Those travelling south towards Canberra from Wallaroo are encouraged to turn left onto the Barton Hwy and turn right onto Victoria St and join the Barton Hwy from the southern end of Victoria St. Although a slightly longer route, these directions avoid the largely blind Barton Hwy/ Gladstone St/ Wallaroo Rd intersection and will be safer.
The Progress Association will continue to press for a reduction in the speed limit of the Barton Hwy.