ACT Government Begins Storm Water Infrastructure Assessment
5 August 2022

On 11 July, the Hall Progress Association received a response from Transport and City Services Minister Chris Steel to our letter of 22 April reiterating our request to arrange for the relevant ACT government authority to work with the Progress Association on the assessment, design and completion of appropriate works on residential storm water drainage infrastructure. The Minister committed that TCCS will engage a suitably qualified consultant to undertake detailed analysis and provide mitigation options to improve storm water drainage in Hall.
On Monday 1 August, the Progress Association was contacted by the Acting Director of Capital Works Planning in the ACT Government. We were advised that the contract has been signed with the consultants to undertake a detailed investigation and site study of the storm water situation in Hall village. This will be comprehensive including the total topography, water movement and existing infrastructure as well as the lane ways. The consultants will develop a hydrological model working to Municipal Infrastructure Standard MIS08. Once the model is completed, Capital Works will consult with ACT Heritage about what can be done consistent with the Hall Village Master Plan and the Hall Precinct Code out of which a design options study will be completed with concept drawings and high-level costings. From the design options and costings, Capital Works Planning will develop a Business Case for Treasury to be considered within the ACT Government Budget process. The Business Case will be prepared in early 2023 for consideration in the FY 2024 ACT Budget.
Surveyors have started work in Hall as a first step of the investigation.
There is still a long way to go before we have storm water infrastructure installed and working in Hall. However, there are positive first steps and the Progress Association will continue advocating until the work is completed.
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