Survey Closing - Complete Today: ACT Government Survey on Storm Water, Flooding and Effects on Your Property
29 August 2022

Please complete the survey today to share your experience of flooding issues and the impact on your property to inform the modelling and design options for storm water infrastructure in Hall Village by completing the survey from Transport Canberra and City Services at
Many people have commented to Progress Association Committee Members that the survey from Transport Canberra and City Services ( is extremely basic and does not allow for any comments or additional information about storm water effects and flooding other than that associated with the laneways.
We have already received additional comments and information about storm water effects and flooding that we are compiling and will send to the TCCS Capital Works Project Manager. If you have further comments or information that you feel needs to inform the modelling and design options for storm water infrastructure in Hall Village, please send these comments to me at and we will add these to the information being provided to the responsible Capital Works Project Manager.
The wetter than usual conditions over the last eighteen months, including severe and torrential rain, have seriously exacerbated the chronic issue of inadequate and non-existent storm water drainage infrastructure in Hall Village. For some 20 years since the creation of the Village of Hall Master Plan by the ACT government in 2002, the Village of Hall and District Progress Association has made numerous requests to the ACT government to address the fundamental issue of storm water drainage infrastructure.
On 14 January 2022, the Progress Association wrote to the Minister for Transport Canberra and City Services, Chris Steel, requesting urgent attention to arrange for the relevant ACT government authority to undertake the assessment, design and completion of works on storm water infrastructure and associated works in Hall Village. On 11 July, following a media campaign including WIN TV News, RiotAct, ABC TV News, ABC Canberra Radio Mornings, 2CC Radio Drive, CityNews and Canberra Weekly and extensive advocacy by the Hall Progress Association supported by Yerrabi MLAs especially James Milligan and Leanne Castley, a response was received from Transport and City Services Minister Chris Steel committing that TCCS will engage a suitably qualified consultant to undertake detailed analysis and provide mitigation options to improve storm water drainage in Hall.
TCCS have now engaged a consultant to undertake a detailed flood analysis and provide mitigation options to improve stormwater conveyance and prevent gravel washout from the laneways at Hall Village.
Every resident and business in Hall Village are requested by TCCS to complete a survey to inform the consultant's modelling and design options study through feedback on your experience of the flooding issues and the impact on your property.
Please complete the survey today at
If you would like more information, please contact any member of the Progress Association Committee or email .