Progress Association Committee - 2022-2023
24 September 2022

At the Annual General Meeting of the Village of Hall and District Progress Association held on Wednesday 21 September 2022, as per the Rules of the Association, all positions of Committee Members and Office Bearers were declared vacant and a new Committee and Office Bearers were elected.
The Office Bearers and Committee for 2022-2023 are:
President: Robert Yallop
Vice-President: Olga Minion
Secretary: Jan Klaver
Treasurer: Phil Robson
Committee Members:
- Lee-Ann Brodrick
- Toni Makkai
- Margaret Monahan
- Tony Morris
- Ralph Southwell
- Peter Toet
- Aaron Whittaker
We express our sincere appreciation for the service to Hall Village and District by Paul Newall, John Starr and Heather Wilford who did not seek re-election to the Committee.
All documents and information for the Annual General meeting are available at
You can contact the Committee at any time by email at .