Strong Response to Storm Water Survey and Additional Comments
30 September 2022

After seven months of advocacy with the ACT government by the Village of Hall and District Progress Association, Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) engaged a consultant to undertake a detailed flood analysis and provide mitigation options to improve stormwater conveyance and prevent gravel washout from the laneways at Hall Village.
On 9 August, TCCS launched a survey through which residents and businesses in Hall Village were able to share their experience of flooding issues and the impact on their property to inform the modelling and design options for storm water infrastructure in Hall Village. The survey closed on 29 August.
Many people have commented to Progress Association Committee Members that the survey by TCCS was extremely basic and did not allow for any comments or additional information about storm water effects and flooding other than that associated with the laneways. The Committee then encouraged people to provide additional comments and information to be compiled and sent to the TCCS Capital Works Project Manager.
Some 65 people completed the on-line survey of TCCS, approximately 60% of properties in Hall Village. Additional information was provided by 14 residents and sent to the TCCS project manager.
We are now waiting for advice on the next steps by TCCS.