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Hall school - back from the dead?!

13 February 2009

The decision of the Labour Government two years ago to close Hall Primary school, and a number of other ACT schools, is to be reviewed by a Committee of the Legislative Assembly.

The Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs, which is chaired by Greens MLA Amanda Bresnan, has announced terms of reference for an 'Inquiry into school closures and reform of the ACT education System'. The other two members of the committee are Joy Church (ALP) and Jeremy Hanson (Liberal).

Representative of the Progress Association - Alastair Crombie, Bob Richardson and Jo Hall, met recently with Greens Convenor Meredith Hunter, and Amanda Bresnan, to discuss the future of the Hall school and pre-school.

The terms of reference are extremely broad. The committee is to consider 'aspects of the reform of the ACT education system', including the 'impact of school consolidation and closures' and the 'interest expressed by school communities to re-open schools listed for closure'. The final terms of reference is 'Any other relevant matter'.{Terms of Reference can be downloaded here - under 'ACT Government documents']

The inquiry is an open invitation to the Hall and district community to express its views on the closure of our school, with the prospect that the Committee could recommend that certain schools be re-opened.

Given that the Liberal Party went into the recent election with a policy commitment to reopen Hall Primary, it might be expected that a majority of the Committee will support re-opening if a good case can be made.

The Progress Association has convened a community meeting on the future of the school in the Pavilion at 7.30 pm on Thursday 5th March.

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