Hall Nature Play Group coming soon!
6 February 2009
An exciting new nature-focused playgroup is opening at the Hall school site, on Thursday mornings. The playgroup will be facilitated by an experienced Early Childhood teacher.
All over the world, communities are re-discovering the importance of children/people of all ages having ample opportunity to engage with and in the natural world. Educators are being encouraged to bring nature into the classroom – but also to take the classroom outdoors into the rich environments of nearby nature: parks, farms, bush and creeks.
Why do children learn so much better when they have a chance to spend time outdoors? Nature experiences offer an 'antidote' to many modern-day barriers to learning, including stress and attention deficit, while also encouraging the full use of all our senses. Learning through nature offers never-ending choices and opportunities, and naturally develops and reintegrates our creative, intellectual, physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.
Our playgroup will be exploring and contributing to the emerging research, and aiming to re-enchant children with direct experiences in nature and an understanding of the web of life.
Is your family interested in joining our playgroup to nurture strong connections with nature for your children under school age?
The Hall Nature Play Group will be meeting in the preschool room at the Hall school site on Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30, during school terms. Contact Sophia on 6255 1349 or email her at - - if you are interested and would like more information. However, spaces are limited, so please be quick!