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Meeting with Chief Minister

19 March 2009

Alastair Crombie, Joe Hall and Tony Morris met with Jon Stanhope, the Chief Minister, on 17th March, to discuss a range of issues of concern or interest to the Hall and district community. Jon Stanhope is also MLA for Ginninderra, so we were also speaking with him as our local member. Your Progress Association representatives came away from the meeting very pleased with the responses that we were given.

We began by pointing out that Hall had a very long history of 'self help', having started as an isolated rural settlement when there was not really much option. We cited our 'Bootstrap Brigade', the Bendigo Community Bank initiative, and the creation of our community website and business directory as current examples of that proud tradition.

We also documented a number of ways in which Hall and district has taken a bit of a hit - and in particular through the loss of the school. We then presented a number of challenges and opportunities that government may be able to assist us with.

In view of the fact that the Government has established a Task Force on the Centenary of Canberra in 2013, we nominated a couple of local projects that would contribute to this celebration.

Our School Museum, housed in the heritage listed 1911 school building, has been in limbo since the school closed. We have asked that the building be refurbished as part of the 'Community Facilities' project, and received encouragement to submit a Heritage Grant Application to enable progress with developing the collection and increasing access to it. The Chief Minister expressed a good deal of interest in the Museum and our plans for it.

Secondly, the Task Force itself has already put forward the idea of a 'Hall - Tharwa Walking Trail'; we let him know that we thought this was a great idea, and would whole-heartedly support it. No route has been selected, but it could go along the banks of the Murrumbidgee for most of the way, and the Bicentennial National Trail already connects Tharwa and Hall. The Chief Minister is asking the Task Force director to contact us about this proposal.

We also raised the issue of the casual overnight staying in the Gladstone Street car park, and the question of whether there might be some way of providing more appropriately for this evident demand. We did not have a caravan park in mind, but a location suitable for one or two night stays, where travellers might patronise the shop and the pub, and have a look around the village. The head of Parks Conservation and Lands is to contact us about the possibilities. There is evidently a serious shortage of travellers accommodation in Canberra at present.

Of course we rehearsed the saga of 'Victoria Square', pointing out that it is now EIGHT YEARS since the original development application was approved. Jon Stanhope undertook to consult with his planning Minister about this, and clearly felt, as we all do, that this matter has to be finally resolved.

He also undertook to refer to the planning Minister our interest in the Clarrie Hermes extension and intersection with the Barton Highway. We understand that ACTPLA will be asked to ensure that the Hall community will be consulted in relation to any changes to the Victoria Street connection to the highway, and any other ways in which the new road and intersection might impact on us. The Association has responded to the Preliminary Sketch Plan for this development. Residents interest to see these documents can email us via this site ('contact us').

Finally on the matter of the Hall school, the Chief Minister made it clear that the Government does not support the current Assembly inquiry into 'school closures and reforms to the ACT education system', and would not be changing its position on school closures.

At the same time, he was very supportive of the requests we have put forward for provision of 'community facilities' . These involve refurbishment and placing under community management the headmasters cottage, the associated garage, the multi-purpose sports court, and the School Museum. He was also supportive of our request that consideration be given to an extension to the Pavilion in lieu of provision of a Neighbourhood Hall on the school site, which was the government's initial plan.

Arrangements have been made for a site visit by the 'Community Facilities' project contractors next week, which is very promising.

Community members with an interest in any of these matters are strongly encouraged to let us know and have your say. We will continue to use this website and the 'Rural Fringe' to communicate about current issues and concerns.

Alastair Crombie

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