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Your school - your (last?) say

22 March 2009

Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs  
'Inquiry into school closures and reform of the ACT education system'.
The Assembly Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs is seeking  submissions from individuals or organisations with an interest in issues raised  by the Towards 2020 reform agenda for the public education system.
Members of the Committee are Amanda Bresnan MLA (Chair), Joy Burch MLA (Deputy Chair), Jeremy Hanson MLA.

The terms of reference for the Inquiry can be found here.

They can also be downloaded from this site (Documents tab - ACT Government documents)

Written submissions are requested by 31 March 2009, but if  you will have  difficulty meeting this deadline please contact the Committee Secretary, Dr Sandra Lilburn on 6205 0199 or by email at:
Submissions should include your full name, postal address  and telephone  number. Electronic lodgement is preferred. If you want additional information there is a Legislative Assembly guide to making submissions

Public hearings for these inquiries will be held in March and April and further details will be available on the website or by telephoning the committee office on 6205 0127.

Jo Hall is coordinating a submission from the Progress Association, and plans to circulate as soon as practicable an outline draft that will assist others in making submissions.

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