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Wallaroo dog attacks

12 June 2009

During the night of Wednesday 10th of June there was a significant dog attack on sheep in the Wallaroo Rd / Gooromon Ponds Road area. About ten sheep were either killed or had to be destroyed. Attacked sheep were spread across a wide area, suggesting that a pack of dogs was responsible.

Over the previous two weeks other sheep had also been found dead, possibly also due to dog attack.

Police have been advised.

Owners of sheep (and goats?) in the Wallaroo and Gooromon Ponds area should be alert to the possibility of further attacks.

Since receiving this initial report, we have had further information from Bruce Elliott. Bruce says:

"My sheep were attacked near the corner of Gooromon Ponds Road and Southwell Road at 1.30am on the 6 June 2009.
The yapping and barking indicated a small dog and a larger dog.

The injuries were consistent with a small dog attacking the sheep lips and snout with another dog attacking the rear legs. Injuries to the sheep were puncture wounds, no torn fleece, indicating they are not large dogs. One stud ewe died from her wounds, four others are recovering.

Ewes lambing on the other side of the fence with an alpaca appear to have been untouched.

First time in 25 years I have had a dog attack".

[with thanks to Val Wiseman, Coordinator of the Wallaroo and Spring Range Residents Group, and Bruce Elliott

If you have any additional information about these attacks which may be of interest to other community members please send it via 'Contact us'

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