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Great Response from Hall and District

11 October 2009

There was a wonderful response by the Hall and District community to the recent tragedy that befell the Gillard family. Lyn Anderson and Susie Fletcher worked tirelessly to encourage people to come to a fund raising dinner and dance which was held at the Abbey at Federation Square on Wednesday 30th October.

Over 300 people responded and the evening was "sold out". The Anderson family and their staff at the Abbey and Café Injoy not only donated the three course meal but they worked for nothing.

Local businesses and others were generous in their donation of goods for an auction with some very high bids made. Matthew Herbert excelled himself by not only playing and singing with local band West Texas Crude but also conducting the 90 minute auction which raised over $16,000.

In all over $35,000 was raised and the Gillard family expressed their great appreciation for the generosity and compassion of the local community.

[Many thanks to Hugh Watson for this story and photo}

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