New community facilities coming
12 October 2009

Some time ago we circulated news about the 'community facilities' project that the Progress Association has negotiated with the ACT Government. It is good to be able to report that work is now well underway.
Hall Cottage
In particular, the former Headmaster's Cottage - generally known as 'The Cottage', and last used on a regular basis for after school care - has been extensively renovated, and is currently being painted, inside and out. Work has closely followed the detailed specifications we agreed with the Department of Disability Housing and Community Services (DHCS) which is funding the project. Careful attention has been given to achieving full disability access.
Once renovation is complete, and community management arrangements agreed, the cottage will become the 'Hall and District Neighbourhood Centre' and will be widely available to local groups and organisations for gatherings and activities of many kinds.
Mens Shed
Alongside The Cottage, minor improvements are being made to the double garage, which last saw active service as the school caretaker's workshop and store. Once completed, this will become our own 'Mens Shed' a meeting point and activity centre for men. There is a large number of such centres right across Australia now - particularly in rural Australia - and many different models.
We have few preconceptions about how the Hall and District Mens Shed will operate - except that this will be shaped mostly by the interests of those who want to be involved.
Multi-purpose sports court
Latest advice on the sports court is that replacement of the current hard surface, which is beginning to crack up, would be prohibitively expensive, but that it could be replaced with a synthetic grass surface. We are aware that this area gets used from time to time for a variety of children's activities - bike riding (including learning to ride!), skate-boarding, roller-blading, basket-ball - and are keen not to rule any of them out.
Our committee has decided that if synthetic grass is the only option for renewal of the sports court, we will take that, but seek to ensure that existing activities are all still catered for elsewhere. The proximity of this court to the cottage my encourage a revival of social tennis - play a set, and eat and drink for two..........!
The Pavilion
We are especially pleased that the pavilion - built in 1928 - is to get a thorough refurbishment. New wall and ceiling panelling and insulation, acoustic insulation, floor repair, kitchen and toilet area upgrade, and landscaping. It was hoped initially that pavilion work might include an extension and the addition of two smaller meeting rooms. However, investigation revealed that the existing wall and ceiling are of bonded asbestos sheeting which has to be removed for any refurbishment to take place, and that there are serious design constraints (insufficient height) on the addition of an extension. At our most recent meeting with the project managers, it was agreed that work would begin on the pavilion next year, allowing us to proceed with hiring requests for the busy period up to Christmas. We understand that work on the pavilion will cost over $0.6 million.
Hall School Museum
The 'community facilities' work includes any work that needs to be done to ensure that the Hall School Museum building is is sound shape, and therefore unlikely to require further work of significance for many years.
Progress Association members Brian Banyard, Tony Morris, Allan Monahan and Judy Roberts having been kept busy overseeing these developments.
Watch this space for an announcement about a forthcoming 'Open Day' at the Cottage.