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Yass Valley Event Sponsorship 2009-2010

27 October 2009

The Yass Valley Development Corporation (YVDC) is calling for applications from Community Groups within the Yass Valley Local Government Area who would like to apply for Event Sponsorship funding for the 2009-2010 financial year.

Designed to encourage the creation and expansion of tourism, business and/or community focused events within the Local Government Area, the Corporation's Event Sponsorship program seeks applications from local groups planning events for events that are scheduled to take place before the 30 June 2010. Events must provide either economic, social or cultural benefits to the residents of Yass Valley.

Applicants should refer to Council's Event Sponsorship Policy prior to completing an application form. This very successful funding program has supported over 35 events during the past two years, including the Murrumbateman Moving Feast, Gundaroo Bush Festival, Carols at Cooma Cottage, the Yass Antique Motor Club Heritage Celebration and the Binalong Memorial Swimming Pool 45 Year Celebrations.

Application forms and Council's Event Sponsorship Policy may be obtained at

Applications must be received by 5 pm Friday, 20 November 2009.

[For further information regarding this and other media releases please contact Cathy Cooke, Customer Service Manager on 02 6226 9222].

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