Post-election recovery Concert
19 August 2010

Get down to the Pavilion to vote on Saturday - and come back again on Sunday for the Hall Village Brass Band Concert - 'August tones - a recital of music to warm the soul'. What better way to bury the election blues - that worrying feeling that you have been living the same day over and over again for the last month.
The Concert will also be a celebration of completion of the 'community facilities' project, involving major renovations to the Pavilion, the old headmasters Cottage, sports court and garage on the school site. Mary Porter, MLA for Ginninderra will be Guest of Honour to Launch the new facilities on behalf of the Chief Minister.
The Concert is free, but there will be a gold coin donation to the benefit of the Band - to assist them with their considerable running costs. We are delighted that Colin Fischer and the Band are able to help us mark this happy occasion.
It all kicks off at 4.00 pm with the Launch. The Concert will be a short one, and over by around 5.15 pm. Tea and biscuits after.